Friday, May 24, 2013


You take over all my senses.
I cannot think or process what I
should be doing, or what is around me.
You make everything be heightened.

You make everything hot, drawing me
down a path I ignore and know is wrong.
But all it's saying is to follow and give in.
You are strong. I can't resist your calling.

You lead for me to follow. That is all I want
to do. All that my body is willing to do.
I cannot resist that pleasure I know that
you give. I indulge. Cave for just a taste.

You drag me under. All thoughts escape me.
It's only you and I in this moment. Getting
caught up and nothing else exists.
You glow in your victory and leave with a smirk.

Friday, May 17, 2013

She was the shy one, he was the loner.
They seemed perfect and inseparable.
Both hide the truth but when it became
evident neither are willing to face the truth.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Let Down

Time has come. Excitement has been reached.
What to wear? Where to go? Neither know.
Caught up in the excitement, the details don't matter.
Running with one flat on and holding the other
racing down the stairs and out the door.

Heart can't contain this, opening the door to his car
he simply sits back and says, "So what do you want to do."

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Everywhere where we run there is a shadow that lingers.
Even in the stillness of night. It will be there as a reminder.
It was once apart of a life that has gone on without it. Looking
down on the family going about their normal lives, while it watches
from afar. Busy lives they live. Constantly on the go. No breaks.

Seasons come and go, now the family has grown, children to adults.
New families and faces that it is no longer remembered or spoken
about. A simple nod or gesture fills the role of suiting an explanation.

It comes dress down for holidays. Still in its ragged and torn clothes
that it wears daily. The family is in its best dress. It doesn't fit.
The photo has the nicely dressed members. It's a good thing
ghost cannot be scene on camera. Although it's spot is never replaced.

Even thought it's a shadow and not spoken about, the truth and love never fails.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Month, Time for Photos!

These first two are from a hike I went on with a friend at 7 Lakes Drive

These next shots are from when I went to Central Park this past weekend with another friend: