Monday, August 12, 2013


Voices follow everywhere, saying this and that.
We follow those here and there. Why? What do they have?
What don't I have? It's all about the why and not about
the moment. Who cares?

We need this, you need that. What's important?
Work? Food? Are those the only things with value?

Taking a pause, looking around, see what they have.
Is there true joy there? Are you filled with joy?
What matters? Is it this things? Are things what's important?

People! Breathe. Is it not a beautiful day?
Were you given another day of life?

Look around at those you've neglected.
Say hello, give a smile, be the change. It's not the world
that is completely at fault. We are the world.
If we want a change in the world, it comes from us first.

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